


Every Monday, from 01/27/2025 to 05/05/2025, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

More Details

FBP College Ministry is a community of college students in and around Plano.  This ministry is a safe place for students to journey together as emerging adults and to explore questions of faith and Christianity.

SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE | Come at 9:30 AM and leave at NOON - Join us for Bible Study and Worship!

9:30 AM - Modern Worship 

10:30 AM - Community time in the Commons or Alcove between services

11:00 AM - Classic Worship & Bible Study 

REFUGE : MONDAY NIGHT GATHERING | FREE MEAL for college students starting at 7 PM

Every Monday at 7 PM throughout the school year, First Baptist Plano hosts a college group in partnership with the BSM called [Refuge].  Refuge is an evening for college students to gather for dinner, worship, and community. 

Join in on what God is doing through this group of people exploring and deepening their faith together!


Each week a different ABF Class or ministry provides dinner for the college students attending REFUGE on Monday nights. Can your group help? This is not limited to ABF classes; it can extend to different ministries that your members are a part of - (i.e., Choir, Breakfast Bunchers, Women's Bible Study). Please note: These meals can be homemade by members or purchased and delivered to the church.

Click on the button below or contact Jordan Davis ( ) or Dalese Black ( ) to sign up.

Click Here to Provide a Meal for Refuge


REFUGE : 1st and 3rd Tuesday Nights | FREE MEAL for international college students starting at 6 PM

Food and Fellowship for International Students.


Join one of our College/Young Adult ABF Groups at FBP!

College students and young adults often find themselves away from home, yearning for a sense of belonging and purpose in life. We have the perfect solution for you! At First Baptist Plano, you can engage in our vibrant ABF classes at either 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM.

In the 9:30 AM group, led by Debra Sherley, you'll explore captivating themes and enjoy interactive discussions. This fall, the group will embark on an exciting study: "Heroes, Villains, and Ordinary People: A 2,500 Mile Journey with Abraham." Together, they'll explore the profound impact of this pivotal figure and discover how his journey can enrich their own lives.

The 11:00 AM group, led by our NextGen Pastor, Jordan Davis, delves deep into the Bible, asking thought-provoking questions and applying God's teachings to their daily lives. Each week, the group explores the Sunday sermon and discusses its application to their lives in God's kingdom.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect and grow with like-minded peers! Try out one of these groups. Share this information with a college student or young adult in your life.

Please contact our NextGen Pastor, Jordan Davis ( ), for more information.

Learn more about what we do in the College Ministry by following us on social media!

Instagram: @fbp_college     |     Facebook: @fbpcollegeministry